Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Since I haven't had my eyes looked at in over a decade, I wasn't really prepared for the exam. First stick your chin here. Then they zoom this thing in, I focus on a picture of a hot air balloon down a long road, and it gives a basic guess as to your prescription. Then you go from there to the exam room. They ask some questions on your history; do you smoke, any problems, etc. Then the part that I expected - which is clearer? 1 or 2? Read the smallest line you can. But then there were the drops.

He said, "I'm going to put drops in your eyes, but they won't affect your vision."

Gave it a second to do what it needed, and handed me a tissue to blot my eyes with.

It was like that creepy yellow bastard in Sin City (@ :40 & 1:20 marks)

when he bled and it was neon yellow. NEON YELLOW CAME OUT OF MY EYES.

That's just not right.

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