That would be the number of people in the last week that told me I should be blogging professionally.
You know, because I'm funny.
And why can't I make money doing... that?
Well, I'll tell you why. Yes, YOU. Ok wait, what was I talking about again? Oh right, blogging. It was after number 2 that I remembered I actually HAD a blog. That I hadn't updated in, oh, 2 years or so. (You mean this old thing?) So... yeah. Maybe I should update THAT and start writing! What fun would ensue.
Here's the thing - nearly every time I sit down to write I get nearly panic-ridden and sweaty and I think... I can't actually just SAY what I'm thinking! It has to have MEANING. It has to be PROFOUND. It has to incorporate every aspect of my personality, my verve, my joie de vivre! (Yes, I had to look it up to make sure I spelled it right.) I also had the thought that I'm only funny because of my inflection. Also that I forget half of the funny things I say 5 minutes after I say them. (How many more excuses can I come up with???)
So here I am, and I'm back to this fun little experiment in public/private/persona (ness)? Sure, I'll go with that. I only hope that I can make a few of you laugh in the process. (And forgive me if occasionally I get a little rambunctious, serious, preachy, or deep. Hey, it could happen!)
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